Friday, April 1, 2011

Envision Joy: Day 23 of 40 Days

"Worrying is like praying for what you do not want." ~ Evton B of Indubious

Indubious is a reggae band from Southern Oregon, starring 2 brothers who both have Cystic Fibrosis. Their lyrics are rampant with positive outlooks on life, happy and uplifting. Both brothers have surpassed the life expectancies that their doctors gave them, by years and years. However, Evton has recently had to take a break from the band to focus on healing related health complications, as he waits for a potential lung transplant.

I read a posting of his today on the band's website. His writing reflects his inspiring perspective on life. It is refreshing and beautiful. He reminds us that as long as there are other people in the world who are suffering more than we are, who are dealing with more hardships than we are, we need to be counting our blessings. Even in his current state, he sees that his life is filled with blessings and potentials that other's may not have.

I read of so many people who survive cancer, near death experiences, or other traumas whose lives are changed by their trials. They are able to find pure happiness by just being able to live one more day. All of them seem to want to communicate to the rest of us how important it is to not wait for trauma to find us in order to really start living and loving our lives. They seem to *know* from experience how fleeting and fragile this life is. Once our time comes to pass on, there is no turning back to live our life differently, there is no opportunity to change the choices we made in the past.

So, knowing this, knowing that life is so fragile and precious....can we find the pure joy and beauty in every little breath that we take, in every day that we are alive? Can we feel gratitude for the blessings that fill our every moment? Can our actions towards others reflect this? Can we shift our attitude? Can we let go of regrets, live fully, take chances, forgive others, and really truly allow ourselves to be happy with what we have in this life?

Lucas and I have been feeling a bit of stress lately, with the employment situation being so dismal after being here for 2 months. But after reading this, we are reminded that there are plenty of people world-wide that have struggles and worries way more intense and precious than ours. And anyway, worrying does little to improve our situations. I would rather believe that HOPING and TRUSTING helps us to create what we want for ourselves. Really we have so much. We have each other. Shelter. Family. Safety. Health. Potential.

And tomorrow I have an interview! Please envision it going well for me, leading to a much needed job!! 1pm PST. Thank you!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Positive vibes coming your way for your 1PM interview.