Time has swooshed by without me writing so much as one word on here. I do miss writing and sharing my experiences. But as I revisit starting up this blog again, I am wondering, should I actually do that? Are my words read?
What do you think? If I keep updating this blog, perhaps with shorter more frequent posts, will you read it? What are the things on my blog that you find the most interesting to read about?
Thanks for your input!
love and hugs,
Hum. I read it to catch up on you and your awesome travel adventures and amazing spirit of openness and grace. I'm grateful for whatever you want to share.
Hi Betsy,
Yup, at least one of us is out here.
I always read every word that you write in your blog and enjoy using this as yet another method of keeping in touch with you and learning what you are up to. I have a news aggregator (Google Reader) set up so that I am notified whenever an update is made to your blog (as well as many other blogs and news feeds).
Although I will read lengthy posts, others might find shorter posts more attractive.
- d
Hi Bets -
I really enjoy your blogs as they not only tell what you are doing but what you are feeling and thinking. But I know it takes a lot of time to write lengthy blog postings. Whatever you decide is doable for you will be good. I know Grandma has also enjoyed your blog - she just has a hard time remembering how to get to it. She hasn't mastered bookmarking yet - we need to work on that. :-)
Agreed! I LOVE that you have a blog and truly enjoy reading it! I too hope that you continue and it's such a fun way to hear and see what you've been up to! LOVE YOU!! :)
I'm here!
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